Just when it seems that the Heffleys really will move, a new sequence of chaotic trouble and property destruction heralds a return to the status quo. (And of course, Greg himself is not as unaffected as he wishes.) The gags include effectively placed callbacks to seemingly incidental events (the “stress lizard” brought in on testing day is particularly funny) and a lampoon of after-school-special–style problem books. While Greg’s positive about the move, he’s not completely uncaring about Rowley’s action. Left with only enough inheritance to patch and repair the exterior of the house-and with the school’s dismal standardized test scores as a final straw-Greg’s mom steers the family toward moving, opening up house-hunting and house-selling storylines (and devastating loyal Rowley, who doesn’t want to lose his best friend). Once the professionals are brought in, the problems keep getting worse: angry neighbors, terrifying problems in walls, and-most serious-civil permitting issues that put the kibosh on what work’s been done. Before bringing in the construction crew, the Heffleys attempt to do minor maintenance and repairs themselves-during which Greg fails at the work in various slapstick scenes. Greg’s mom calls a family meeting to determine what to do with their share, proposing home improvements and then overruling the family’s cartoonish wish lists and instead pushing for an addition to the kitchen. When Great Aunt Reba dies, she leaves some money to the family. The Heffley family’s house undergoes a disastrous attempt at home improvement. The children’s father reads as White their mother is brown-skinned.Ī heartachingly enjoyable tale of resilience. The story provides insight into the lives of those with allergies and the accommodations needed to avoid serious episodes. Maggie’s inventiveness as she overcomes these trials is showcased through Lloyd’s captivating narrative and Nutter’s bright and dynamic illustrations. Her allergies are only the start of the troubles Maggie encounters, as entering a new school and her changing family dynamics bring more challenges.

Unwilling to give up her dream of owning a pet, Maggie begins a quest to find the perfect creature. The doctor recommends that she stay away from anything with fur or feathers. After being tested, Maggie is diagnosed as being allergic to multiple species of animals. However, she’s in for a sad surprise when she has a severe allergic reaction while cuddling a puppy at the shelter. Although technically it would be the entire family’s dog, Maggie knows deep down that since her younger twin brothers are completely absorbed in one another’s company and her parents are distracted by preparing for the new baby who is arriving in a couple of months, the dog will basically be hers. Maggie Wilson believes her birthday will be the best one ever since her parents are letting her get a dog. A 10-year-old’s world is upended by a diagnosis.